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Can you sign Messi?

When Lionel Messi was thinking what direction his football career will be continuing, he took a leave in FC Barcelona and went to lie down on a coast. After all, he has been in Barcelona already from his childhood, and he was wondering how it looks in other huge famous football teams. Ten years in one team (he has been in Barcelona since 2004) is enough, he thought, when suddenly a big coconut fell directly on the top of his head. When he woke up, he had clear in a matter of his future football career. He will be playing for a football team in Crapston Town which is playing in 4th division. Anyway, because Lionel Messi is a football star, of course that he has some requirements which must be fulfilled. And because there in 4th division is not lots of money, the fulfillment of Lionel's requirements is so a little bit funny story. Everything is in charge of a little boy. Help him meet all requirements and bring Lionel Messi to the town football team. By the way, the contract and description is purely fictional. Have fun.

Veröffentlicht am Sep 8, 2014

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