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North Clans

War battles are always so a little bit about lucky. You can count your soldiers and their strength as you want, but sometimes the fight is not according to your imagines. Moreover, this counting is a little strange in this game North Clan. However the main is, that with a right tactics you can win always. The best is get large area which is grouped into one space, and thank to this there is the possibility protect whole the area just at boundaries. This allows you centralize your soldiers only into the most important places. Immediately at the beginning there will be very difficult to defeat all enemies, however after some time you will be certainly successful. If you like this sort of games, try play also great game World Wars. Have fun.

Publicado el Mar 14, 2015

33.037 jugó Etiquetas: Estrategia Lógica mesa lucha Mouse habilidad

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    *negrita*  _itálico_  ~ tachado ~