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Logical Element
Invention of the light bulb was a revolution. It was the invention which gave a light to people houses. In a simple form. Thanks to Thomas Alva Edison, who introduced first bulb in 1879. This bulb endured shine 13.5 hours, however already a year later bulbs had durability 1,200 hours. Another step was development of Led diodes. Anyway, there were more people, the development lasted 55 years (from a first knowledge to a functional product) and first sales were in 1962. In the case of logical circuits you will not develop new sources of light, however you will be trying about lighting up of the existing ones. And with the look to the history, try be quicker... The goal is adjust the logical circuit so that it allows lead the current to the light source. Have fun.
Publicado em Apr 5, 2015
20.000 jogando Lógica tabuleiro mouse quebra cabeça habilidade
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