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D = move camera stage
P = pause
Z = retreat
X = charge
C = select all units
V = select all units and hero
esc = deselect all
B = fall back ( certain groups )
N = advance ( certain groups )
space = confirm unitsspells placement
-7 = unit selection shortcut
m = speedup
s = make hero escape
Epic War 5
The sequel to the highly acclaimed Epic War series has arrived! Epic War 5 features three heroes with unique stories, 30 units, 70 skills, and 30 accessories. Battle your way to the Hellsgate that will end the world through 12 main stages, and 8 extra and 5 trial stages for additional challenges.
Publié le Mar 31, 2012
49 170 joué Stratégie jeux d'aventure combat jeux souris
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