Killed and Eaten

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Killed and Eaten

Killed and Eaten is 3D action zombie survival game. Your goal is just killl 100 zombies. This is pure challenge! Horde of zombies is endless and you have to be very fast. Reload your guns and kill 100 zombies before they kill you. Play for free in your browser right now.

Was your day long? Do you wanna just play a game and chill? You do not have to think about this game.Just take your gun and shoot. Gameplay is challenging. You can shoot forever. You have two guns. First one is pistol with four bullets and the second one is shot gun with two bullets only. YOu have to reaload a lot to survive. Your goal is to kill 100 zombies. Is is much harder than it sounds. Hords are coming and you have to be fast. Can you finish the game? Play for free in your browser right now! Have fun.

Age rating: PACO16

Published on 2020年8月20日

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