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Driving Force 2

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Driving Force 2

Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping experience as you step into the shoes of a skilled policeman in Driving Force 2. This action-packed sequel takes your training to the next level, combining intense driving challenges with high-stakes shooting scenarios. From navigating obstacle-filled lanes to racing against the clock, each of the 18 meticulously designed missions will push your skills to the limit.

Embark on a variety of tasks that range from precision driving to engaging in fierce gunfights with heavily armed criminals. Hone your reflexes and precision as you aim, shoot, and take down the dangerous threats on the road. Can you successfully complete all the missions and prove your worth as a top-notch cop?

Key Game Features:

  • Challenging police missions: Take on 18 action-packed missions that test your driving and shooting abilities.
  • Exciting gameplay variety: Experience a wide range of tasks, including obstacle courses, timed challenges, and intense combat encounters.
  • Drive and shoot: Master the art of shooting while driving, taking down criminals and ensuring the safety of the city.
  • Immersive graphics and controls: Enjoy immersive visuals and responsive controls that enhance the overall gameplay experience.
  • Progressive difficulty: Face increasingly challenging missions as you advance, keeping the excitement and thrill alive.

Age rating: PACO7  ( for kids ✓ )

Published on Jul 1, 2015

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